Choosing Annuity Beneficiaries

David Novak David Novak
May 16, 2024 12 min read 235

An annuity can play a significant role in your overall retirement planning strategy, often being regarded as a pillar to retirees’ financial futures. This insurance product not only provides a guaranteed and consistent stream of income but also involves designating beneficiaries who will receive the remaining value of your annuity or other benefits upon your passing. An annuity’s beneficiary is typically directly related to the annuitant, commonly either a spouse, child, or family member. Understanding how to select the right beneficiaries for your annuity is pivotal in ensuring that your financial legacy is treated according to your wishes.

Key Takeaways


Whereas the annuitant is the original owner of the annuity, the annuity’s beneficiary is designated to receive the remaining payouts and/or benefits of the annuity upon the annuitant’s demise.


Whereas the annuitant is the original owner of the annuity, the annuity’s beneficiary is designated to receive the remaining payouts and/or benefits of the annuity upon the annuitant’s demise.


Depending on the annuity contract in question, the death benefit a beneficiary collects can come in various forms, such as a lump sum disbursement or a continuation of regular payouts over a longer period of time.


The tax burden on an inherited annuity may often depend on the beneficiary’s relationship (spouse, child, or other) with the original annuitant.

Understanding the Beneficiary’s Role in Annuity Contracts

An annuity’s beneficiary is distinct from the annuitant; the former merely inherits the annuity upon the latter’s passing. The annuitant, generally also the original owner of the annuity, is the primary recipient of the financial benefits such an investment brings. On the other hand, the beneficiary is designated to receive the death benefits through a lump sum or periodic payouts to ensure what’s left of the annuitant’s retirement savings is in safe hands. This role is crucial for managing the continuation of income without any legal troubles.

Fast Fact

Beneficiaries of annuity investments typically receive death benefits quicker than recipients who inherit through a will since annuity proceeds do not go through probate, saving both time and money.

Essential Reasons to Designate an Annuity Beneficiary

Naming a beneficiary for your annuity is indispensable to make sure that the annuity proceeds after your death are distributed both smoothly and efficiently. Without a designated beneficiary, the annuity may become subject to probate, leading to potential delays in the leftover value’s distribution and supplemental expenses for heirs. Oftentimes, not having a beneficiary could even mean the unexpended funds are forfeited and left to the issuing insurance company or financial organization.

Annuity Beneficiary Categories

The choice of your annuity’s beneficiary can impact the general management of funds after your passing, making it all the more essential to make an informed choice to safeguard a lasting financial legacy. There are various types of beneficiaries, each one coming with different legal, financial, and tax-related obligations. Here’s a detailed look at each of these beneficiary categories:


Be sure to regularly review your beneficiary information, particularly after major life occurrences like marriage, divorce, birth of a child, or death of a beneficiary. This guarantees that your annuity’s benefits are issued according to your up-to-date preferences.

Spousal Beneficiaries

One of the more common choices, naming a spouse as a beneficiary usually allows for income disbursements to continue with minimal tax implications. More often than not, spouses are given the option to continue the annuity contract as the new owner, maintaining its tax-deferred status and potentially even receiving another death benefit.

Non-Spousal Beneficiaries

This beneficiary type, involving children, relatives, or close associates, does not generally come with the option to continue the annuity as was. Instead, they may receive a direct lump-sum payment or opt for a distribution over a set period, which leads to heavier tax implications as opposed to spousal transfers.

Non-Designated Beneficiaries

In the case of no designated beneficiary (or if the chosen beneficiary passes away before the annuitant without an alternative specified), the annuity will either be defaulted to the annuitant’s estate or the proceeds will be surrendered to the issuer. However, it is important to note that a non-designated beneficiary could also be an organization such as a trust or charity.

Trust Beneficiary

Using a trust as a beneficiary can offer more control and intricacy over how the remaining value is distributed. This option is particularly advantageous in complex family situations or to help the beneficiary better manage the incoming funds, be it from a taxation or distribution standpoint.

Multiple Beneficiaries

An annuitant can also name several beneficiaries to split the proceeds of the inherited annuity. In this case, the remaining sum can either be distributed equally amongst each beneficiary or unequally. The latter specifies that certain percentages of the annuity’s value will go to the different beneficiaries.

Primary/Contingent Beneficiaries

After the primary beneficiary or beneficiaries, contingent beneficiaries serve as an additional layer of security for the annuitant. If primary beneficiaries have passed away or are unable to accept the payments, the entire value of the annuity’s proceeds will then be passed on to the contingent beneficiaries.

Pro Tip

Always seek to name a contingent beneficiary for your annuity. This ensures that if your primary beneficiary is not able to accept the death benefits, the annuity proceeds seamlessly pass on to an alternate recipient without being tied up in legal or probate complications.

Selecting a Beneficiary for Your Annuity

Choosing the right beneficiary calls for careful consideration of who will best serve your financial goals and personal wishes. Fundamentally, this choice strongly depends on the annuitant in question, as well as their priorities. Aspects like the financial needs of the beneficiary, their relationship to the annuitant, and potential tax implications should all play a part in the decision-making process. It should be noted that any beneficiary action can only commence upon the original annuitant’s demise, with the owner often able to amend their beneficiary choice over the course of the contract’s duration (unless it specifically says otherwise).

Key Considerations When Selecting a Beneficiary

Selecting a beneficiary involves more than just naming a person or entity in your contract, as considering various personal and financial factors is central to making informed decisions. Such facets can have a powerful influence on the efficiency of the benefit distribution upon your passing. Let’s take a look at each of these factors in more depth:

  • Personal Connection: The strength and nature of your relations with potential beneficiaries is one of the foremost considerations when it comes to choosing a beneficiary. This should influence not just who you name but how you expect them to honor your legacy as well.

  • Accountability/Capability: It is pivotal to evaluate the capability of the beneficiaries to manage the financial responsibilities of inheriting an annuity. Consider their maturity, financial acumen, and their current personal situation. Family members with a strong financial history who are known to be responsible in handling finances can be a more reliable choice.

  • Benefit to Beneficiary: Assess how the annuity death benefits could have an effect on the beneficiary’s life. For instance, if the funds are used to provide for a younger family member’s education, you can extend the positive impact of your financial legacy.

  • Longevity: The expected lifespan of a beneficiary is another essential aspect, particularly if the annuity is structured to offer benefits over a longer duration. Whereas younger beneficiaries might make the most of deferred annuities, older beneficiaries may find immediate payouts more advantageous.

  • Legal & Tax Implications: Always keep in mind the legal and tax repercussions of designating a specified beneficiary and reflect on how these may impact your remaining funds within the annuity. Generally, depending on the beneficiary type in question, the annuity proceeds will have distinctive estate and tax laws applying.

  • Changes in Circumstance: Major changes in your life, such as marriage, divorce, or even birth, can each influence your initial beneficiary choices. This enunciates the importance of reviewing or potentially even adjusting this selection on a regular basis.

Annuity Beneficiary Tax Implications

The taxation process of the annuity’s remaining sum to beneficiaries is largely contingent on the annuity type, chosen method of distribution, and the beneficiary category. Upon inheriting an annuity, you are often given the option to choose between a lump-sum payment or periodic distributions over a longer period. Lump-sum payments imply that you receive all the remaining funds at once, meaning the beneficiary’s tax bracket will increase the year the annuity is inherited. On the other hand, opting for periodic payments can moderate tax liabilities over time.

How to Update and Review Your Annuity’s Beneficiaries

Reviewing your chosen beneficiaries regularly is critical to ensure your current wishes are applied to your financial legacy. Especially after major life events, a chosen beneficiary may be subject to change. It is important to always be aware of the fact that beneficiaries can be reviewed and updated unless specifically cited in the contractual agreement. This is something that is often disregarded by annuitants, potentially leading to complications. If you wish to update your beneficiary designation, feel free to contact the financial agent or provider in charge of your annuity contract, as they will handle any permitted contractual alterations with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I name multiple beneficiaries for my annuity?

Yes, this is indeed one of the various beneficiary types. The annuity’s benefits can often be split among several beneficiaries, either equally or by allocated percentages.

What happens if a beneficiary predeceases the annuitant?

In this case, either the contingent beneficiary, the estate, or the annuity issuer will receive the proceeds. If the remaining value of the annuity goes through the estate, it is likely the funds will be subject to probate, leading to additional costs for heirs. To avoid this or a complete surrender of assets to the insurer, it is pivotal to have a contingent beneficiary, which serves as a safeguard against such scenarios.

What happens if I want to change my beneficiary designation after annuity payouts have already begun?

The beneficiary designated can be changed at any time unless it is specifically mentioned in the contract that this decision is irrevocable. You may be given the option upon signing whether you want your choice to be permanent or potentially subject to modifications.

Are there tax benefits to naming a trust or charity as a beneficiary?

Yes, there are tax benefits associated with designating a trust or charity as your beneficiary. If a charity is named as beneficiary, the proceeds from your annuity are likely to be tax-free, helping not only maximize the donation but also reduce the taxable estate of the deceased. Similarly, using a trust controls the timing of distributions to heirs, potentially reducing the taxable income on a yearly basis.

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