Comparing Fixed and Fixed-Index Annuities

David Novak David Novak
Oct 25, 2023 20 min read 331

Annuities stand out as a highly favorable option for peace of mind in retirement. Amongst the variety of options it provides, fixed and fixed-index annuities have gained a particular interest among retirees. But what exactly constitutes these two annuity types, and how are they distinguished in the realm of retirement planning? Read on to learn more about these financial instruments, as the undermentioned guide will aid you in making informed financial decisions tailored to your retirement objectives.

Key Takeaways


Whereas fixed annuities offer guaranteed returns, fixed-index annuities link the investment to a stock market index’s performance, providing potential for higher returns.


Whereas fixed annuities offer guaranteed returns, fixed-index annuities link the investment to a stock market index’s performance, providing potential for higher returns.


Deciding which is most apt to your retirement plans will depend on individual factors like risk tolerance, investment timeline, and financial conditions.


Comprehending what sets them apart may significantly impact your ultimate verdict.

Breaking Down the Basics: Fixed vs. Indexed Annuities

Fixed Annuities Explained

A fixed annuity is an insurance contract that offers a guaranteed return rate on your investment for a predetermined period. To purchase a fixed annuity, you make a lump sum payment or series of payments to an insurance company, which, in return, pays an invariable sum on a regular basis, starting either immediately or deferred to a future date. A fixed annuity is one of the safest investments for retirement, standing as a beacon of financial stability due to its predictability and low risk. Their key features include:

  • Guaranteed Interest Rate: A fixed interest rate is guaranteed for a specified period (often for the rest of your life), providing a consistent and predictable return on investment (ROI).

  • Tax-Deferred Growth: The principal invested grows tax-deferred within your fixed annuity until withdrawals begin, allowing for potential earnings through accumulated interest.

  • Principal Protection: Your investment is not linked to the market and is therefore protected from market recessions, ensuring that the initial amount contributed is always safe.

  • Various Payout Options: Fixed annuities allow you to further tailor the investment to your unique needs by offering a variety of payout options, including lump-sum, lifetime, or even periodic payouts. If you opt for the lifetime income option, you are safeguarded from the threat of outliving savings, offering an extra layer of financial security.

Pros and Cons of Fixed Annuities


  • Guaranteed interest rate
  • Tax-deferred growth
  • Principal protection
  • Customizable payout options
  • Predictable and stable stream of income


  • Potentially lower returns in comparison to market-linked investment types
  • Federal tax penalties may apply for withdrawals before age 59 ½
  • Administrative fees and surrender charges
  • Limited liquidity once invested
  • Inflation risk, potential loss of purchasing power

How Does a Fixed-Rate Annuity Work?

A fixed-rate annuity provides a guaranteed interest rate on your investment for a set period, agreed upon in the contract. While the contractual agreement is in course, your funds accumulate at this fixed interest rate, and at the end of this period, you can choose to either renew the contract or begin withdrawing your money. Most annuitants opt to withdraw their funds through a process called annuitization, which ensures a consistent income stream for a longer period, offering financial security over the course of their retirement. Let’s take a closer look at the inner workings of a fixed-rate annuity through this step-by-step guide:

  1. You purchase the annuity by making either a lump-sum payment or a series of payments to the insurance company.

  2. In exchange, the insurance company offers a fixed interest rate for the duration of the contractual agreement, which generally ranges from one to ten years.

  3. During this time, your investment accumulates within the annuity at the fixed interest rate, and earnings are not subject to taxes until withdrawals begin.

  4. At the end of this accumulation phase, you can choose to either renew the contract at a new interest rate (depending on the provider’s offerings) or begin withdrawing funds.

  5. In most cases, investors choose to annuitize their funds, which enables you to receive a guaranteed income stream for a set period or even the rest of your life. The income you receive is fixed and not subject to market fluctuations.

Fixed-Index Annuities Explained

A fixed-indexed annuity is a specific annuity type combining features held by both fixed and variable annuities. By electing a fixed-indexed annuity as your retirement investment, your principal is protected from market downturns, but you also have the potential for higher returns by linking your funds to a chosen market index, such as the S&P 500. If the index in question were to perform well, your returns would increase, whereas if it experiences a major dip, you are shielded by a guaranteed minimum return. Here are the central features of a fixed-indexed annuity:

  • Guaranteed Minimum Interest Rate: Fixed-indexed annuities ensure that your investment will not lose value even in the case of market recessions or collapses. Your principal is always protected through a floor, and regardless of market performance, your returns cannot drop below it.

  • Indexed Growth: Earnings are linked to the performance of a market index (that you select), like the S&P 500, allowing for profit potential.

  • Tax-Deferred Growth: Just like fixed annuities, fixed-indexed annuities grow tax-deferred, meaning any earnings are not subject to income tax until withdrawals begin.

  • Interest Crediting Methods: Various aspects are factored in to calculate the interest credited to your account, such as cap rates, participation rates, and spread rates.

  • Tailored Payout Options: You can choose between a variety of payout options, allowing you to tailor disbursements according to your specific needs. Lifetime income is one of the most common payout options, as it offers a guaranteed income stream for life.

Pros and Cons of Fixed-Indexed Annuities


  • Potential for higher returns
  • Guaranteed minimum interest rate
  • Principal is protected from market downturns
  • Deferral of taxes until withdrawals begin
  • Flexibility in investment options


  • Cap rates limit the amount of index gains
  • Complex fee structures due to investment management
  • Participation rates may reduce earnings
  • Surrender charges/tax penalties may apply for early withdrawals
  • Limited liquidity

How Does a Fixed-Indexed Annuity Work?

A fixed-indexed annuity links your potential earnings to the performance of a predetermined market index. However, your principal is shielded from market losses; this way, your initial investment stays intact. This downside protection mitigates risks associated with the investment while also empowering you to earn higher returns. Let’s take a look at the step-by-step process after acquiring a fixed-indexed annuity:

  1. Similarly to fixed annuities, you make a lump-sum payment or series of payments to fund your fixed-indexed annuity.

  2. The insurance company through which you purchased the annuity then credits interest to your account based on the performance of the market index you chose, applying various factors (cap rates, participation rates, spread rates) to calculate the exact amount.

  3. If the index performs well, your account earns interest up to a preset cap (maximum interest that can be earned) or participation rate (percentage of the index gain credited to your annuity). On the other hand, if the index performs poorly, your principal is protected and you receive a guaranteed minimum interest rate.

  4. All earnings within the annuity grow tax-deferred until you begin making withdrawals.

  5. Towards the end of the contract term, you can opt to renew the contract, withdraw your funds as a lump sum, or annuitize the contract to receive a guaranteed income stream either for a certain period or for life.

Fast Fact

Fixed-index annuities have been gaining in stature amongst retirees due to their combination of traditional annuity safety features and links to index performance, potentially resulting in higher profits.

The Fundamental Differences: Fixed vs. Indexed Annuities

Return Potential

  • To ensure a predictable income stream, fixed annuities offer a guaranteed interest rate that does not vary over the entirety of the distribution phase. This rate is established at the beginning of the contract.

  • Fixed-indexed annuities are tied to a chosen market index’s performance. Hence, the prospect of higher earnings exists as long as the market performs well.

Risk Exposure

  • Due to their permanent nature (as the name indicates), fixed annuities are a very low-risk investment option, asymptomatic to market volatility.

  • Despite being protected against market recessions by offering a guaranteed minimum interest rate (known as a floor), fixed-index annuities still expose the investor to a degree of risk. For example, if the index’s performance were to be subpar, the returns could be minimal.

Pro Tip

Always consider the impact of fees on your returns. Although they may often seem negligible, charges can add up and possibly even lessen expected earnings.

Interest Crediting Methods

  • Fixed annuities have a user-friendly crediting method, applying the agreed-upon interest rate to the principal investment.

  • Carrying a more complex mold, fixed-index annuities utilize many crediting methods (point-to-point, cap rates, and participation tolls), each of which can bear a major impact on expected returns. These procedures enable insurers to determine how gains from the market index are calculated and credited to the annuity.

Fees & Charges

  • With fixed annuities, costs are incorporated into the guaranteed interest rate, typically resulting in low fees and charges.

  • Fixed-index annuities come with higher fees since the insurance company is more liable to risk; they tie your annuity to the market and offer a floor, so in the case of economic collapse, losses come from their pockets. Upon purchasing this annuity type, expenses may include administrative fees, mortality and expense charges, and even potential riders for additional benefits at an added cost.

Comparison Overview Between Fixed and Fixed-Indexed Annuities


Fixed Annuity

Fixed-Indexed Annuity

Principal Protection



Guaranteed Interest Rate


Minimum guaranteed interest rate

Growth Potential

No, limited to predetermined fixed rate

Yes, tied to market index performance

Interest Crediting Method

Fixed rate

Calculated by evaluating cap rates, participation rates, and spread rates

Tax-Deferred Growth



Lifetime Income Option



Fees & Charges


Higher and more complex due to investment management


Although fixed-index annuities offer guaranteed minimum interest, returns would still be marginal if the market were to plummet.

Finding Your Match: Fixed vs. Indexed Annuities

Selecting either option will depend on the individual. Financial desires or preferences, risk tolerance, and even strategies should play a large part in this decision. Beyond this, understand the annuity features of both types, such as associated withdrawal benefits or riders. Economic factors should also play a role, with prevailing interest rates heavily impacting the allure of fixed annuities, while current market conditions are likely to influence that of fixed-index annuities.

What Should I Know Before Purchasing an Annuity?

Regardless of whether you decide to opt for a fixed or fixed-indexed annuity, there are several important factors to consider before purchasing an annuity. First, understand the fees and charges associated with the annuity as they can have a consequential impact on your overall returns. This includes surrender charges, administrative fees, and any additional rider costs.

Evaluating your liquidity needs beforehand is also crucial; ensure you have access to enough funds outside the annuity to be able to cover unforeseen expenses. Additionally, look into your risk tolerance and investment goals to determine which annuity type is best suited to your financial needs. Reviewing the insurance company’s financial strength and ratings is equally important to confirm they will be able to fulfill their obligations. Lastly, consulting a qualified financial advisor can help you establish the specific details regarding your investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens in market declines?

In the case of a market recession, a fixed annuity will remain as is. However, with a fixed-index annuity, you are likely to experience diminished returns, although you will maintain a guaranteed minimum income stream thanks to the floor offered.

What is the main difference between fixed and fixed-index annuities?

Fixed annuities guarantee an explicit interest rate, whereas fixed-indexed annuities offer returns based on the performance of a given stock market index, with a guaranteed minimum interest rate.

Can you lose money in a fixed-index annuity?

No, one of the most appealing features of fixed-index annuities is the protection of principal. Even if the linked index performs poorly, the floor provided by the insurer prevents you from losing funds below a predetermined minimum.

Is a fixed annuity a good investment choice for retirement?

Fixed annuities can be a great retirement option for those seeking financial security through guaranteed fund influxes. They are risk-free and immune to market volatility.

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