Monthly Point-to-Point Option

David Novak David Novak
Mar 10, 2016 5 min read

The Index Credit Rate for this option is based on 12 monthly percentage changes in the S&P 500® Index over the course of a 12-month period. Each month’s positive percentage change is limited by a Cap Rate, which The Company declares at the beginning of the 12-month period and is guaranteed to be no lower than 1.00% per month. The 12 monthly percentage changes, after applying the Cap Rate, are added together.

If this results in a positive percentage, that is the Index Credit Rate. If this results in a negative percentage, the Index Credit Rate is zero and no interest is credited, and the Account Vale in the option remains unchanged. This option requires a minimum account balance of $1,000. Cap Rates are guaranteed for each Index Crediting Period. The Company may change Cap Rates at the beginning of each Index Crediting Period, and the rate could be set as low as the guaranteed minimum Cap Rate of 1% per month.

Hypothetical Monthly Point-to-Point Index Crediting Option Examples

These hypothetical examples are intended only to illustrate the Monthly Point-to-Point Index Option and the impact of the Index Credit Rate. The example assumes a one-year Index Crediting Period and a monthly cap of 2.00%.

A Year in Which the Performance of the S&P® Index is Positive

DateS&P 500®

Index Value

Percentage Change

from Previous Month

Monthly Capped Index

Changes (2.00% Cap)

January 1st1,000--
February 1st1,0151.50%1.50%
March 1st1,0402.46%2.00%
April 1st1,0551.44%1.44%
May 1st1,0751.90%1.90%
June 1st1,0800.47%0.47%
July 1st1,1001.85%1.85%
August 1st1,070-2.73%-2.73%
September 1st1,0901.87%1.87%
October 1st1,1101.83%1.83%
November 1st1,1301.80%1.80%
December 1st1,100-2.65%-2.65%
January 1st1,075-2.27%-2.27%
Sum of 12 Monthly Capped Index Changes7.01%
Index Credit Rate7.01%

A Year in Which the Performance of the S&P® Index is Negative

DateS&P 500®

Index Value

Percentage Change

from Previous Month

Monthly Capped Index

Changes (2.00% Cap)

January 1st1,000--
February 1st975-2.50%-2.50%
March 1st950-2.56%-2.56%
April 1st9550.53%0.53%
May 1st925-3.14%-3.14%
June 1st9300.54%0.54%
July 1st9502.15%2.00%
August 1st945-0.53%-0.53%
September 1st9601.59%1.59%
October 1st1,0004.17%2.00%
November 1st980-2.00%-2.00%
December 1st9901.02%1.02%
January 1st960-3.03%-3.03%
Sum of 12 Monthly Capped Index Changes-6.08%
Index Credit Rate0.00%

In this example your Index Credit Rate would be 0% instead of a loss resulting from the decline in the S&P 500® Index for the Index Crediting Period.

Examples provided are for general information purposes only. Historical performance of the S&P 500 ® Index should not be considered a representation of future performance of the S&P 500® Index. Review your Annuity contract for specific details about Index Crediting Options. Your Annuity contract does not directly participate in any stock or equity investment. Consult your financial advisor in determining what is right for you.

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