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Eagle Guaranteed Flex 5

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Eagle Guaranteed Flex 5 is a Flexible Premium Deferred Index Annuity. This annuity is tax-deferred, which means taxes are not paid on the interest it earns until any distribution occurs. 
Available in states: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, and WY
Fixed Index
Purpose Accumulation
5 Years
Surrender schedule
Free withdrawal
1st year: 0%
2nd+ year: 10%
Flexible premium Product Life
Market value adjustment
Return of premium
Launch date
Minimum contribution
Maximum contribution
Max Age Qualified
Types of funds
Non-Qualified, IRA, IRA Rollover, IRA Transfer, SEP IRA, IRA-Roth, 1035 Exchange, and Inherited IRA
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Premium Notes

Minimum premium
Qualified and non-qualified: $5,000
Inherited non-qualified: $5,000
Inherited IRA: $100,000 (inherited contracts subject to review)
Additional premium: $1,000

Maximum premium
18-69: $1,500,000
70-74: $1,000,000
75-80: $750,000
81-85: $500,000

Issue age
18-75 (inherited non-qualified only)

Withdrawal Provisions

Free withdrawals
Free withdrawals up to 10% of contract value annually, starting Year Two. Systematic withdrawals from fixed interest strategy available immediately. Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) available year one, once a new calendar year is reached.

Market Value Adjustment (MVA)
This product includes a Market Value Adjustment (MVA). An MVA may increase or decrease the amount of a withdrawal in excess of the free withdrawal amount or the surrender value. The MVA does not apply to free withdrawals, any death benefit, the MGSV or any distributions occurring after the surrender charge period has ended. 
In general, as the MVA Index increases, cash surrender values decrease. As the MVA Index decreases, cash surrender values increase. The maximum MVA (up or down) equals the lesser of the contract value minus the unadjusted surrender value of the contract or the unadjusted surrender value of the contract minus the MGSV. 

Allocation Accounts

Name Type Rates
1-Year Fixed Account
4.3% Fixed
5-Year Fixed Account
4.15% Fixed
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Cap
Point to Point
7.75% Cap
1-Year Invesco Dynamic Growth PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
200% Participation
1-Year S&P 500 Performance Triggered
Performance Triggered
6.75% Performance triggered

Surrender schedule

Year 1 2 3 4 5
Penalty 8% 8% 7% 6% 5%


No Riders for Eagle Guaranteed Flex 5 annuity.



No surrender charges at death.

Nursing Home

This no-fee rider is automatically included for ages 75 and under. After the first contract year, one additional free withdrawal of up to 100% of the contract value is allowed if the owner is confined in a qualified care facility for a minimum of 90 days. Confinement must begin after the contract issue date and written proof is required from both the qualified care facility and recommending physician.

Terminal Illness

This no-fee rider is automatically included for ages 75 and under. After the first contract year, one additional free withdrawal of up to 100% of the contract value is allowed if the owner is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Diagnosis must occur after the contract is issued and written proof with supporting documentation is required from a qualified physician.

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