Protective Life and Annuity Insurance Company

2801 Highway 280 South, Birmingham, AL 35223

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  • A.M. Best A+
  • Fitch AA-
  • S&P AA-
  • Comdex 94

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A subsidiary of Protective Life Corporation, the Protective Life and Annuity Insurance Company specializes in the financial services sector. Being founded in 1907, the company offers an assorted range of life insurance and annuity products, including fixed, indexed, and variable annuities, as well as universal, variable universal, and bank-owned life insurance. Protective’s mission relies on helping individuals and families find financial peace of mind in retirement by offering options like guaranteed lifetime income. With very strong credit ratings from agencies like Fitch, the company has been experiencing ongoing development and growth by acquiring other life insurance companies to broaden its reach.

Group Affiliation
Dai-ichi Life Holdings Inc Grp
State of Domicile
NAIC Company Code
Year Founded
(800) 421-5614 (Option 1)
2801 Highway 280 South, Birmingham, AL 35223

Assets and Liabilities

$5.238M Assets
$4.679M Liabilities
$0.560M Capital and Surplus
111.96% Assets to Liability Ratio

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