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Retirement Plus Multiplier 10 with Growth Accumulation Buy-up Rider

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Atlantic Coast Life Retirement Plus Multiplier Annuity is a 5, 7, or 10 years, single premium, a deferred annuity with four different index crediting strategies in addition to a fixed account. Two optional riders are available, the Growth Benefit (Accumulation Buy-up Rider) and the Income Multiplier (Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit), one of which may be selected.
Atlantic Coast Life Insurance Company launched a new feature for the Retirement Plus Multiplier (RPM) Annuity that will offer even more flexibility. On the contract anniversary coinciding with the end of a strategy’s crediting period, contract owners will now be able to reallocate the account value from that strategy to any of the RPM's one, two, or three-year crediting strategies. For example, if your client has premium allocated to a 1-year strategy and a 3-year strategy, at the end of the 1-year strategy’s crediting period they can allocate those funds to a new 1, 2, or 3-year strategy while their other 3-year strategy is still at play. With more options, your clients will be able to more easily try out different RPM growth strategies to best suit their needs.

Growth Benefit
This accumulation Buy-Up rider applies an increase to the Cap and Participation Rate to any applicable Index Account. The Growth Benefit Rider increases the growth potential of your annuity's index accounts. When you purchase this rider, the participation and cap rates are increased so your annuity benefits from more of the market's positive performance.
Available in states: AL, AZ, AR, CO, FL, GA, HI, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MA, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NM, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, and WY
Fixed Index
Purpose Accumulation
10 Years
Surrender schedule
Free withdrawal
1st year: 0%
2nd+ year: 10%
Market value adjustment
Return of premium
Launch date
Minimum contribution
Maximum contribution
Max Age Qualified
Types of funds
Non-Qualified, 401k, IRA, IRA Rollover, 401a, IRA Transfer, SEP IRA, IRA-Roth, SIMPLE IRA, 1035 Exchange, Stretch IRA, Inherited IRA, and TSP
Open brochure

Find out if the Retirement Plus Multiplier 10 with Growth Accumulation Buy-up Rider is the right product for you.

Withdrawal Provisions

Free Withdrawals
The Retirement Plus Multiplier Annuity offers several options to access your money without being subject to surrender charges or market value adjustments, including:
  • During the first contract year, you can withdraw the interest that will be earned on funds allocated to the fixed account or a Required Minimum Distribution. Required Minimum Distributions are available penalty free in all years;
  • After the first contract year, you can withdraw up to 5% of your accumulation value or Required Minimum Distribution, whichever is greater;
  • If you are diagnosed with a terminal illness or confined to a nursing home after the first contract year, you can make a full surrender or partial withdrawal under certain conditions;
  • After the fifth contract year, you can apply the accumulation value of the contract to purchase a settlement option to provide income;
  • You can take up to two withdrawals in a contract year as long as your accumulation value does not go below $2,500. Withdrawals must be at least $250.
After the fifth Contract Year (In Florida, you may annuitize after the 1st policy anniversary), the entire Accumulation Value can be used to purchase one of the Settlement Options. Surrender Charges and the Market Value Adjustment would not apply. 
  • Option 1: Life Income Only
  • Option 2: Life Income with Guaranteed Period Certain 
  • Option 3: Period Certain Only

Allocation Accounts

Name Type Rates
1-Year Fixed Account
5% Fixed
1-Year Goldman Sachs Aging of America Dynamic Balance PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
200% Participation
3-Year Goldman Sachs Aging of America Dynamic Balance PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
350% Participation
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Cap
Point to Point
14.5% Cap
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
60% Participation
2-Year Goldman Sachs Aging of America Dynamic Balance PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
275% Participation
2-Year S&P 500 PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
75% Participation

Surrender schedule

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Penalty 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1%


No Riders for Retirement Plus Multiplier 10 with Growth Accumulation Buy-up Rider annuity.


Nursing Home

Up to a full surrender may be available if terminally ill or nursing home confinement occurs after the first contract year. The nursing home waiver does not include home health care.

Terminal Illness

Up to a full surrender may be available if terminally ill or nursing home confinement occurs after the first contract year.

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