
5910 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705

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  • A.M. Best A
  • S&P A+
  • Moody's A2
  • Comdex 79

Best TruStage™ Guaranteed Annuity Rates

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TruStage, a brand of CUNA Mutual Group, was established in 1935 and has been a reputable supplier of insurance policies and financial services to credit union members and their families for just over 80 years. The company is a trusted partner of credit unions across the US, offering life insurance, auto insurance, homeowner insurance, and other protection products to shield the finances of their customers in the case of downturns. Their unique understanding of the credit union market has allowed them to be one of the leading providers to this target audience. With products made to be accessible, affordable, and aligned with the priorities of the credit union community, they have collaborated with over 4500 credit unions nationwide.

Group Affiliation
TruStage Group
State of Domicile
NAIC Company Code
Year Founded
(855) 591-9026
5910 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705

Assets and Liabilities

$17.939M Assets
$14.986M Liabilities
$2.953M Capital and Surplus
119.7% Assets to Liability Ratio

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