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TruStage Zone Income

The TruStage Zone Income Annuity offers a fantastic way for retirees or future-planners to ensure a steady flow of income. It's reassuring to know that regardless of market changes, your investment will not suffer!

Add the add-on features like death benefits, it gives peace of mind knowing you're leaving something for your loved ones. TruStage Zone Income is a truly reliable choice for an assured tomorrow.

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About Product

Registered Index-Linked
Lifetime Income
6 Years
Surrender schedule
Fee withdrawal:
Market Value Adjustment
Return Of Premium
Minimum Contribution
Maximum Contribution
Max Age Qualified
Types Of Funds
Non-Qualified, IRA, IRA Rollover, IRA Transfer, SEP IRA, IRA-Roth, and 1035 Exchange
Launch Date
TruStage Zone Income Annuity provides an innovative approach to market-linked risk control combined with income for life. With Zone Income, you can set your downside limit — called a floor — along with a corresponding cap on the upside. Once the floor is set, you can’t lose more than that, no matter what happens in the markets, while still enjoying the potential for attractive market growth. Plus, Zone Income adds powerful protection against living longer than your assets. Zone Income lets you enjoy growth opportunities, without the worry of catastrophic loss. With Zone Income, you’re in control. 

The Zone Income Annuity is an insurance contract that offers index-linked returns, a limit on market losses and lifetime income options. 
Available in states: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NC, ND, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, and WY

Allocation Accounts

Name Type Rates
1-Year Fixed Account
3.25% Fixed
1-Year MSCI EAFE PTP Cap with -2% Floor 80% Secure 20% Growth
Point to Point
9.8% Cap
1-Year Russell 2000 PTP Cap with -3% Floor 70% Secure 30% Growth
Point to Point
10.42% Cap
1-Year Russell 2000 PTP Cap with -4% Floor 60% Secure 40% Growth
Point to Point
11.32% Cap
1-Year Russell 2000 PTP Cap with -5% Floor 50% Secure 50% Growth
Point to Point
12.23% Cap
1-Year Russell 2000 PTP Cap with -6% Floor 40% Secure 60% Growth
Point to Point
13.13% Cap
1-Year Russell 2000 PTP Cap with -7% Floor 30% Secure 70% Growth
Point to Point
14.04% Cap
1-Year Russell 2000 PTP Cap with -8% Floor 20% Secure 80% Growth
Point to Point
14.94% Cap
1-Year Russell 2000 PTP Cap with -9% Floor 10% Secure 90% Growth
Point to Point
15.85% Cap
1-Year MSCI EAFE PTP Cap with -1% Floor 90% Secure 10% Growth
Point to Point
8.53% Cap
1-Year Russell 2000 PTP Cap with -2% Floor 80% Secure 20% Growth
Point to Point
9.51% Cap
1-Year MSCI EAFE PTP Cap with -3% Floor 70% Secure 30% Growth
Point to Point
11.08% Cap
1-Year MSCI EAFE PTP Cap with -4% Floor 60% Secure 40% Growth
Point to Point
12.35% Cap
1-Year MSCI EAFE PTP Cap with -5% Floor 50% Secure 50% Growth
Point to Point
13.63% Cap
1-Year MSCI EAFE PTP Cap with -6% Floor 40% Secure 60% Growth
Point to Point
14.9% Cap
1-Year MSCI EAFE PTP Cap with -7% Floor 30% Secure 70% Growth
Point to Point
16.18% Cap
1-Year MSCI EAFE PTP Cap with -8% Floor 20% Secure 80% Growth
Point to Point
17.45% Cap
1-Year MSCI EAFE PTP Cap with -9% Floor 10% Secure 90% Growth
Point to Point
18.73% Cap
1-Year MSCI EAFE PTP Cap with 0% Floor 100% Secure
Point to Point
7.25% Cap
1-Year Russell 2000 PTP Cap with -1% Floor 90% Secure 10% Growth
Point to Point
8.61% Cap
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Cap with -9% Floor 10% Secure 90% Growth
Point to Point
10.96% Cap
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Cap with -8% Floor 20% Secure 80% Growth
Point to Point
10.47% Cap
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Cap with -7% Floor 30% Secure 70% Growth
Point to Point
9.98% Cap
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Cap with -6% Floor 40% Secure 60% Growth
Point to Point
9.49% Cap
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Cap with -5% Floor 50% Secure 50% Growth
Point to Point
9% Cap
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Cap with -4% Floor 60% Secure 40% Growth
Point to Point
8.51% Cap
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Cap with -3% Floor 70% Secure 30% Growth
Point to Point
8.02% Cap
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Cap with -2% Floor 80% Secure 20% Growth
Point to Point
7.53% Cap
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Cap with -1% Floor 90% Secure 10% Growth
Point to Point
7.04% Cap
1-Year MSCI EAFE PTP Cap with -10% Floor 100% Growth
Point to Point
20% Cap
1-Year Russell 2000 PTP Cap with -10% Floor 100% Growth
Point to Point
16.75% Cap
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Cap with -10% Floor 100% Growth
Point to Point
11.45% Cap
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Cap with 0% Floor 100% Secure
Point to Point
6.55% Cap
1-Year Russell 2000 PTP Cap with 0% Floor 100% Secure
Point to Point
7.7% Cap
1-Year Barclays Risk Balanced PTP Cap with -10% Floor 100% Growth
Point to Point
50% Cap
1-Year Dimensional US Small Cap Value Systematic PTP Cap with -8% Floor 20% Secure 80% Growth
Point to Point
16.45% Cap
1-Year Dimensional US Small Cap Value Systematic PTP Cap with -7% Floor 30% Secure 70% Growth
Point to Point
15.28% Cap
1-Year Dimensional US Small Cap Value Systematic PTP Cap with -6% Floor 40% Secure 60% Growth
Point to Point
14.1% Cap
1-Year Dimensional US Small Cap Value Systematic PTP Cap with -5% Floor 50% Secure 50% Growth
Point to Point
12.93% Cap
1-Year Dimensional US Small Cap Value Systematic PTP Cap with -4% Floor 60% Secure 40% Growth
Point to Point
11.75% Cap
1-Year Dimensional US Small Cap Value Systematic PTP Cap with -3% Floor 70% Secure 30% Growth
Point to Point
10.58% Cap
1-Year Dimensional US Small Cap Value Systematic PTP Cap with -2% Floor 80% Secure 20% Growth
Point to Point
9.4% Cap
1-Year Dimensional US Small Cap Value Systematic PTP Cap with -1% Floor 90% Secure 10% Growth
Point to Point
8.23% Cap
1-Year Dimensional US Small Cap Value Systematic PTP Cap with -10% Floor 100% Growth
Point to Point
18.8% Cap
1-Year Dimensional US Small Cap Value Systematic PTP Cap with 0% Floor 100% Secure
Point to Point
7.05% Cap
1-Year Barclays Risk Balanced PTP Cap with 0% Floor 100% Secure
Point to Point
15.8% Cap
1-Year Barclays Risk Balanced PTP Cap with -1% Floor 90% Secure 10% Growth
Point to Point
19.22% Cap
1-Year Barclays Risk Balanced PTP Cap with -2% Floor 80% Secure 20% Growth
Point to Point
22.64% Cap
1-Year Barclays Risk Balanced PTP Cap with -3% Floor 70% Secure 30% Growth
Point to Point
26.06% Cap
1-Year Barclays Risk Balanced PTP Cap with -4% Floor 60% Secure 40% Growth
Point to Point
29.48% Cap
1-Year Barclays Risk Balanced PTP Cap with -5% Floor 50% Secure 50% Growth
Point to Point
32.9% Cap
1-Year Barclays Risk Balanced PTP Cap with -6% Floor 40% Secure 60% Growth
Point to Point
36.32% Cap
1-Year Barclays Risk Balanced PTP Cap with -7% Floor 30% Secure 70% Growth
Point to Point
39.74% Cap
1-Year Barclays Risk Balanced PTP Cap with -8% Floor 20% Secure 80% Growth
Point to Point
43.16% Cap
1-Year Barclays Risk Balanced PTP Cap with -9% Floor 10% Secure 90% Growth
Point to Point
46.58% Cap
1-Year Dimensional US Small Cap Value Systematic PTP Cap with -9% Floor 10% Secure 90% Growth
Point to Point
17.63% Cap

Surrender schedule

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6
Penalty 8% 8% 8% 7% 6% 5%

Hypothetical Projection

Comparison against S&P 500 using current rates
indexed chart
See if this annuity ranks in your top 3 for Virginia


Name Inbuilt Fee
Zone Income GLWB rider Yes 1.00% annually



We will not assess the Surrender Charge on: Withdrawals taken under the Bailout Provision


Death benefit Equal to full contract value without surrender charge or MVA, or the purchase payment adjusted for withdrawals—whichever is larger.


You have total access to contract value without surrender charge or MVA in certain times of need: If confined to nursing home or hospital for 180 consecutive days after issue In Connecticut, must wait one year to exercise. In Pennsylvania, waiting period is 90 days after issue for nursing home and 30 days for hospital. In California, no waiting period for facility care, community-based services or home care, and available for full surrender only.

Nursing Home

Unavailable in states: MA

You have total access to contract value without surrender charge or MVA in certain times of need: If confined to nursing home or hospital for 180 consecutive days after issue. In Connecticut, must wait one year to exercise. In Pennsylvania, waiting period is 90 days after issue for nursing home and 30 days for hospital. In California, no waiting period for facility care, community-based services or home care, and available for full surrender only. The nursing home waiver does not include home health care.

Terminal Illness

Unavailable in states: NJ

You have total access to contract value without surrender charge or MVA in certain times of need: If diagnosed as terminally ill with life expectancy of less than one year In Illinois, Kansas and Washington, life expectancy must be less than 24 months. In Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, life expectancy must be less than 24 months and available for full surrender only. In Connecticut, must wait one year to exercise.


We will not assess the Surrender Charge on: Contract Value applied to an Income Payout Option

Premium Notes

Please note: New applications $1M or more are subject to carrier approval.

Withdrawal Provisions

Protected paymentsAvailable without surrender charge or MVA and taken from contract value on a pro rata basis from allocation options. Payments are guaranteed for life while your GLWB rider is in effect, even if contract value goes to zero.Excess withdrawalAny withdrawal amount during the year which exceeds the total GLWB payment. Includes withdrawals before the GLWB start date and deductions for any surrender charge or MVA. Excess withdrawals proportionally reduce benefit base and death benefit. Annual free amount10% of last anniversary contract value, available annually without surrender charge or MVA. GLWB payments count toward the annual free amount.

Company Founded: 1935
Excellent Rated Company
Company Ratings
  • A.M. Best A
  • S&P A+
  • Moody's A2
  • Comdex 79
Assets: $17,939,129,349

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