Best Guaranteed Annuity Rates


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Learn how an annuity can provide guaranteed income for life.


Premium Type
Single Premium
Min age Qualified
Max age Qualified
Minimum Contribution
Maximum Contribution
Market value adjustment
Return of premium
Free withdrawal
Types of funds
Non-Qualified, IRA, IRA Rollover, IRA Transfer, SEP IRA, and IRA-Roth
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Apex MYGA is a single-premium tax-deferred fixed-rate annuity with multiple interest rate guarantee periods. For people who are concerned about market volatility, it provides a simple, steady, guaranteed way to build retirement savings without the risk of investing in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.

Guarantee periods
 3, 5, or 7 years
 Premium may be allocated to more than one interest guarantee period (subject to meeting minimum allocation amounts)

Minimum: $10,000 nonqualified; $5,000 qualified
Maximum: $1,000,000 per owner without Delaware Life approval

Free Withdrawals of up to 10% Each Year
In the first contract year, 10% of total premiums paid, or the required minimum distribution (RMD) amount, if greater, can be withdrawn free of surrender charges. In the second contract year and thereafter, 10% of the most recent contract anniversary value, or RMD, if greater, can be withdrawn free of surrender charges.

Market Value Adjustment (MVA)
If you decide to make an early withdrawal of some (or all) of the value of an Apex MYGA at any time other than the 30-day window before the end of a guarantee period, Delaware Life will also make a market value adjustment (MVA) to your annuity account.
The MVA is equal to the amount withdrawn or surrendered, less any available free withdrawal amount, times the MVA Factor which is linked to the Moody’s Bond Indices – corporate average rate. MVA is applicable in all states. California has caps and floors that are applied to the MVA factor.
The MVA does not apply to annual penalty-free withdrawals, death benefit payments, Terminal Illness or Nursing Home waiver withdrawals, or any amounts withdrawn during the 30-day window at the end of the guarantee period.

Guaranteed death benefit
Apex MYGA allows you to designate a beneficiary or beneficiaries. Beneficiaries may choose to receive payouts in either a lump sum or a series of income payments. If you die before you begin receiving annuity income payments, your beneficiary will receive at least the account value (including all the interest you’ve earned) minus any withdrawals. If the beneficiary requests or if the state requires, taxes may also be withheld.

Find out if the Apex MYGA is the right product for you.

MYGA Interest Rates

Annual percentage yield (APY)
earned over the investment term
3 years 4.7%
5 years 4.9%
7 years 4.9%


No Riders for Apex MYGA annuity.



MVA is waived at death

Nursing Home

Waives early withdrawal charges after first contract anniversary, for a one-time withdrawal if you are confined to a hospital or nursing facility for at least 90 days, as long as the contract is purchased before your 76th birthday. The nursing home waiver does not include home health care.

Terminal Illness

Waives early withdrawal charges after first contract anniversary, for a one-time withdrawal if you have a terminal illness

Surrender Window

There is a 30-day window prior to your renewal date to select a new guarantee period. If no election is made, your annuity will automatically renew for the same guarantee period you had previously selected. During your 30-day window, you can make withdrawals or surrender your annuity with no surrender charges or market value adjustment.

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