Polish Roman Catholic Union of America

984 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, IL 60642-4101

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The Polish Roman Catholic Union of America, often referred to in its abbreviated form, PRCUA, is a Polish fraternal organization committed to promoting Polish culture, heritage, and Catholic values while offering its members with affordable life insurance and annuity products. Founded in 1873, the PRCUA unites Polish immigrants and their descendants, supporting and protecting them from a financial standpoint, particularly as they reach retirement. By way of meeting the diverse preferences of its members, the organization provides a wide array of retirement solutions.

State of Domicile
NAIC Company Code
Year Founded
(800) 772-8632
984 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, IL 60642-4101

Assets and Liabilities

$0.228M Assets
$0.219M Liabilities
$0.008M Capital and Surplus
103.72% Assets to Liability Ratio

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