The Guardian Insurance & Annuity Company

10 Hudson Yards, New York, NY 10001

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  • A.M. Best A++
  • S&P AA+
  • Moody's Aa1
  • Comdex 99

Best Guardian Insurance Guaranteed Annuity Rates

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1 Indexed Annuity Products


The Guardian Insurance & Annuity Company, established in 1860, is considered to be one of the most trusted insurance companies in the United States. With a focus on providing clientele with financial security, they offer a vast array of insurance and retirement services, including next-generation annuity models aligning with the evolving needs of retirees. With a robust financial foundation, their motivation is to prepare customers for their financial future. Despite its international influence, the company continues to seek growth through ongoing partnerships. For instance, in 2022, the Guardian Insurance & Annuity Company partnered with HPS Investment Partners to diversify its investment portfolio and access various private credit strategies.

Group Affiliation
Guardian Life Group
State of Domicile
NAIC Company Code
Year Founded
(888) 482-7342
10 Hudson Yards, New York, NY 10001

Assets and Liabilities

$4.753M Assets
$4.275M Liabilities
$0.484M Capital and Surplus
111.17% Assets to Liability Ratio

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