Best Guaranteed Annuity Rates


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The ClearFlex Fixed Indexed Annuity is a flexible premium, deferred fixed indexed annuity that allows you to accumulate funds and benefit from tax deferral all while maintaining a simplified allocation. 
Available in states: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, and WY
Fixed Index
Purpose Accumulation
10 Years
Surrender schedule
Free withdrawal
Flexible premium Product Life
Market value adjustment
Return of premium
Launch date
Minimum contribution
Qualified: $5,000
Non-Qualified: $10,000
Maximum contribution
Max Age Qualified
Types of funds
Non-Qualified, IRA, IRA Rollover, IRA Transfer, SEP IRA, IRA-Roth, 1035 Exchange, and Inherited IRA
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Premium Notes

  • Minimum Qualified – $5,000 
  • Minimum Non-Qualified – $10,000 
  • Maximum – $1,000,000 per life (without Company approval) 
  • Additional Deposits – Minimum $1,000 for a one-time deposit or $250 for monthly, systematic deposits for up to 10 years 
Allocations and Reallocations
Subsequent premiums will be deposited in the 1-year Fixed Strategy and can be reallocated at the next contract anniversary. Policyholders may switch between at the end of each contract year. Notice of reallocation must be given within 10 business days of the anniversary. 

Withdrawal Provisions

Other than withdrawals of earned interest, the minimum withdrawal amount is $500. The account value must not be less than $5,000 following any withdrawal. 

10% Penalty-Free Withdrawal
A penalty-free withdrawal of up to 10% of the initial Premium payment is available in the first Contract Year. In years 2+, a withdrawal of up to 10% of the Account Value calculated as of the last Contract Anniversary is available. Surrender charges and market value adjustment (MVA) will be waived on the penalty-free amount withdrawn.

Market Value Adjustment
Any amounts payable that are assessed a surrender charge will also be subject to a MVA, which may increase or decrease the amount payable. The MVA generally increases the contract withdrawal value when interest rates fall, and decreases the contract withdrawal value when interest rates rise. MVA is waived at death. 

Allocation Accounts

Name Type Rates
1-Year Fixed Account
4.25% Fixed
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
45% Participation
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Cap
Point to Point
9.5% Cap
1-Year S&P MARC 5% ER PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
175% Participation
1-Year S&P 500 Sector Rotator Daily RC2 5% ER PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
170% Participation
1-Year BNP Paribas Technology Balanced 7 PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
155% Participation

Surrender schedule

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Penalty 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1%


No Riders for ClearFlex annuity.


Nursing Home

Unavailable in states: MA

This contract provides access to the full account value, without a surrender charge or MVA, should the Owner become confined to a nursing home for a period of 90 consecutive days after the first contract year. Must be issued prior to the Owner’s age of 76.

Terminal Illness

If the Owner becomes terminally ill one year after the issue date, the full Account Value may be accessed without a surrender charge or MVA. Must meet certain criteria.

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