
If you're looking for a retirement strategy that will preserve your principal and protect your assets from unpredictable market cycles, RateProtector's Fixed Annuities could be the perfect fit. This product assures the safety of your initial investment and promises a guaranteed minimum interest rate. It allows your money to grow without being affected by negative market tempests, giving you that much-needed peace of mind for your golden years.

In addition to this, the tax-deferred nature of this annuity means that your interest earnings are tax-free until you decide to make a withdrawal. This lets your money work harder for you, aiding in faster wealth accumulation. Plus, with income withdrawal options and the added security of a generous death benefit for your heirs, RateProtector's Fixed Annuities offer a complete package. It's a solid investment today, that secures a financially independent tomorrow.

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About Product

Premium Type
Single Premium
Fee withdrawal:
Market Value Adjustment
Return Of Premium
Minimum Contribution
Maximum Contribution
Max Age Qualified
Types Of Funds
Non-Qualified, 401k, Profit Sharing, IRA, Pension, IRA Rollover, IRA Transfer, TSA 403b, SEP IRA, KEOGH, Inherited IRA, NQ Stretch, and TSP
Launch Date

MYGA Interest Rates

Annual percentage yield (APY)
earned over the investment term
3 years 4.25%
5 years 4.1%
7 years 4.1%
Jackson RateProtector is a single premium, multi-year guaranteed fixed annuity that ran provide:
  • Preservation of principal 
  • Guaranteed interest rates: The product has a guaranteed interest rate that will not change during the 3, 5, or 7-year guaranteed option period and credited daily.
  • Tax-deferred interest accumulation 
  • Preservation of your legacy 
Jackson RateProtector is a long-terrn, tax-deferred vehicle designed for retirement. Earnings are taxable as ordinary income when distributed and may be subject to a 10% additional tax if withdrawn before age 59 1/2. Premium payments can be most effective if left in place for at least seven years or until retirement. Amounts withdrawn may be subject to withdrawal charges and market value adjustment, which may reduce your accumulated contract value. Guarantees are backed by the claims-paying ability of Jackson National Life Insurance Company.

Jackson RateProtector is available for a single premium payment of $10,000 for nonqualified and qualified money. Premium may not exceed $1,000,000 without prior approval. Jackson RateProtector may be issued to individuals aged 0-85.

Use some of your money each year, free of withdrawal charges
Each contract year you may withdraw up to a specified percentage of the accumulated value of your fixed annuity without incurring a withdrawal charge or an excess interest adjustment/market value adjustment, if applicable.

Death Benefit will be the accumulated value

No Return of Premium feature.

Note: TSP funds have to be rolled into an IRA.

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Terminal Illness

After the first contract anniversary, if you (or a joint owner) are diagnosed with a medical condition expected to result in death within 12 months, you may withdraw (one time only) up to 100% of your accumulated contract value without incurring a withdrawal charge. Effective on the first contract Anniversary, if you or your joint owner is diagnosed with a termial illness, you may access up to 100% of your Accumulation Value free of withdrawal charges. The Terminal illness Waiver is subject to a maximum of $250,000 for all company contracts. State Variations may apply. Market Value Adjustment may apply to amounts withdrawn.

Extended Care

Unavailable in states: MA

After the first contract anniversary, if you (or a joint owner) are by medical necessity confined to a nursing home or hospital for 90 consecutive days, you may withdraw (one time only) up to 100% of the accumulated contract value without incurring a withdrawal charge. Home Health Care acceptable, it would require 24 hour in home care.

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