Lincoln MYGuarantee Plus

The Lincoln MYGuarantee Plus is a fantastic annuity aimed at securing your retirement. It provides predictable growth via a guaranteed fixed interest rate, which is a relief considering the unpredictability of markets. It's reassuring to know that this fixed rate is not tied to market performance, therefore carries no risk. Plus, the interest rate is locked in for the initial guarantee period and can afford you more security and confidence as you plan for retirement.

This product perfectly combines growth and protection with a tax-deferred advantage. This means you won't be taxed until you make withdrawals from your contract, potentially earning more than with taxable alternatives. And the flexibility is impressive! The Lincoln MYGuarantee Plus allows you to choose your income option according to your lifestyle, needs, and goals. It even grants access for medical needs and leaves a remaining accumulation value to your loved ones in the event of death. Planning for retirement is a huge endeavor, and Lincoln's experience and dedication can truly make the journey smoother and more secure.

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Lincoln MYGuarantee Plus

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About Product

Premium Type
Single Premium
Fee withdrawal:
Market Value Adjustment
Return Of Premium
Minimum Contribution
Maximum Contribution
Max Age Qualified
Types Of Funds
Non-Qualified, IRA, IRA Rollover, IRA Transfer, IRA-Roth, 1035 Exchange, Stretch IRA, and NQ Stretch
Launch Date

MYGA Interest Rates

Annual percentage yield (APY)
earned over the investment term
5 years 3.65%
7 years 3.65%
10 years 3.7%
The Lincoln MYGuarantee Plus is a single premium deferred annuity with a market value adjustment. The minimum single premium amount is $10,000 non-qualified and qualified. 10% of the accumulated value may be withdrawn annually. Systematic Withdrawal is an option. Surrender charges vary based on rate term chosen and are waived in the event of annuitization or death. The minimum guaranteed interest rate is 1.00% or such higher rate(s) as may be in effect in the state on the day the policy is issued. NJ and PA - issued as group certificate only. 

The value of this fixed product cannot go down unless the contract owner takes a withdrawal. The product has an initial interest rate guarantee period, with subsequent interest rates renewing annually on the contract anniversary. 5, 7, and 10 year guarantee periods currently offered.

The death benefit is equal to the greater of the accumulation value or the Guaranteed Minimum Cash Surrender Value.

No return of premium feature.

Free Withdrawals
During the surrender charge period, 10% of the accumulation value is available per contract year. This partial surrender can be taken without a Market Value Adjustment (MVA) or surrender charge. If the withdrawal takes the accumulation value below $5,000, it may be treated as a full surrender. 

Market Value Adjustment (MVA)
An MVA and a surrender charge will apply if you access more than the 10% free withdrawal before the end of the initial interest rate guarantee period. The MVA is a positive or negative adjustment based on the current interest rate environment at the time of surrender. The MVA does not apply to withdrawals after the surrender charge period, 10% free withdrawals, the death benefit, or when the contract is annuitized. 

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This contract provides a death benefit equal to the accumulation value if the owner’s or annuitant’s death occurs before the annuity payments begin. The death benefit is subject to any applicable taxes.

Nursing Home

Unavailable in states: MA

The nursing home waiver does not include home health care.

Terminal Illness

Contact us to get more information about this waiver.


Available after the 5th policy year. In FL, available after the 1st policy year.

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