Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.

5900 O Street, Lincoln, NE 68510

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  • A.M. Best A
  • S&P A+
  • Comdex 79

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Originally founded 1887, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. is a subsidiary of the Ameritas Mutual Holding Company. With a direct focus on selling insurance policies, employee benefits, and retirement products, the company has become a leader in the financial service industry. More specifically, they provide life insurance, annuities, retirement plans, dental and vision insurance, and disability income insurance. This comprehensive portfolio of offerings has enabled them to gain a top 5 ranking in new sales nationwide. Ameritas strives to provide the best possible services for its clientele, ensuring they reach financial stability and peace of mind.

Group Affiliation
Ameritas Mutual Holding Group
State of Domicile
NAIC Company Code
Year Founded
(800) 745-1112
5900 O Street, Lincoln, NE 68510

Assets and Liabilities

$16.838M Assets
$14.913M Liabilities
$1.925M Capital and Surplus
112.91% Assets to Liability Ratio

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