ISDA Financial Life

419 Wood Street, #3, Pittsburgh, PA 15222

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ISDA Financial Life, founded in 1960, plays a key role in the financial services sector by providing annuity and life insurance policies to its members. Serving as a tax-exempt, non-profit company owned by its members and regulated by the state it serves, ISDA offers an assortment of low-risk and high-return annuity, IRA, and life insurance solutions. With an objective to generate income for its members, the company seeks to maximize growth for every account it manages.

State of Domicile
Year Founded
(412) 261-3550
419 Wood Street, #3, Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Assets and Liabilities

$0.334M Assets
$0.321M Liabilities
$0.000M Capital and Surplus
104.21% Assets to Liability Ratio

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