Bankers 5 Premier (OK Only)

The Bankers 5 Premier product offers outstanding benefits for annuity seekers. Beyond predictability in your income stream, you have the flexibility to make interest income and lump sum withdrawals without penalty. We understand the importance of having regular monthly income checks and the option for larger sums at will. Perfect for maintaining financial independence and well-being in your golden years.

Another great highlight is the regular annuity payments that can last a lifetime. This provides total protection from outliving your assets. You have the choice to convert your annuity contract into a continual payment stream that goes on as long as you live. Moreover, the product offers several payment plans tailored to your needs and those of your loved ones. With a sturdy fiscal background since 1958, Bankers 5 Premier helps you achieve financial peace of mind.

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Bankers 5 Premier (OK Only)

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About Product

Premium Type
Single Premium
Fee withdrawal:
Interest only
Market Value Adjustment
Return Of Premium
Minimum Contribution
Maximum Contribution
Max Age Qualified
Types Of Funds
Non-Qualified, IRA, IRA Rollover, 401a, IRA Transfer, SEP IRA, IRA-Roth, Inherited IRA, NQ Stretch, and TSP

MYGA Interest Rates

Annual percentage yield (APY)
earned over the investment term
5 years 4.75%
Bankers 5 Premier is a Single Premium Deferred Annuity designed to accumulate money for retirement. It is suitable for use as an IRA or as an attractive alternative to CDs and other taxable vehicles. (Not available as 403(b) or SIMPLE IRA.) You can start your Bankers 5 Premier annuity with a minimum premium of $10,000 (Non-Qualified) or $5,000 (Qualified).

How Interest is Credited
Interest is credited at the initial interest rate guaranteed for the first five contract years. At the end of the fifth contract year and each contract year thereafter, a new rate will be declared for the next contract year. Beginning on the first day of the sixth contract year, your annuity will earn a portfolio interest rate, which may go up or down, but can never earn less than the contract’s minimum guaranteed rate at the time of your purchase. Your interest is credited and compounded daily to yield our declared annual rate. There are no front-end sales charges or annual administrative fees. 100% of your money works for you!

You may have access to your annuity at any time permitted by law. Your interest earnings are available when you need them. Without surrender charges or MVA, you may withdraw 100% of your accumulated interest two times per policy year or receive monthly interest checks. The minimum monthly interest check is $100. Withdrawals in excess of these amounts are subject to a Market Value Adjustment and surrender charges. Penalty-free withdrawals do not apply to full surrenders. A 10% IRS penalty may apply on amounts withdrawn before the owner reaches age 59½.

Market Value Adjustment (MVA)
The Market Value Adjustment is an amount by which we adjust the Accumulation Value. An MVA will apply to a full surrender or to a partial withdrawal subject to a surrender charge made before the fifth policy anniversary. The MVA may increase or decrease your Accumulation Value, depending on whether interest rates* have fallen or risen from the time of purchase. If interest rates have declined, your Accumulated Value could be higher. If interest rates have increased, your Accumulated Value could be lower. The MVA is not assessed after the fifth policy anniversary or upon the death of the Annuitant/Owner.

Note: we take TSP as a rollover to IRA.

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Contact us to get more information about this waiver.

Nursing Home

Available after the first policy year; 90 day elimination period. May be elected only once; maximum of 50% of accumulation value may be surrendered without penalty. The nursing home waiver does not include home health care.

Terminal Illness

Terminal Illness Waiver: Available after the first policy year; 12 month life expectancy. May be elected only once; maximum of 50% of accumulation value may be surrendered without penalty.


Disability Waiver: Available after the first policy year; 90 day elimination period. May be elected only once; maximum of 50% of accumulation value may be surrendered without penalty.

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