Best Guaranteed Annuity Rates

NAC BenefitSolutions 10

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The NAC Benefit Solutions 10 is an innovative single premium fixed index annuity created with you, the consumer, in mind. Designed as an annuity contract and benefit rider combination, this unique retirement product offers a central Benefit Base to ensure you receive benefits for life. NAC Benefit Solutions 10 can help to offer you financial security and confidence by generating benefits you can count on during retirement: 
  • Lifetime payments 
  • Enhanced payments for qualified nursing home care
  • Death benefit 
An annual rider cost is calculated by multiplying a charge percentage by the benefit base on the contract anniversary. The rider cost is 1.20% of benefit base, deducted from your accumulation value on each contract anniversary until either your contract or benefits rider terminates. This rider may be terminated any time after the surrender charge period.
Available in states: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, and WY
Fixed Index
Purpose Lifetime Income
10 Years
Surrender schedule
Free withdrawal
Market value adjustment
Return of premium
Launch date
Minimum contribution
Maximum contribution
Max Age Qualified
Types of funds
Non-Qualified, IRA, IRA Rollover, IRA Transfer, SEP IRA, IRA-Roth, SIMPLE IRA, and TSP
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Find out if the NAC BenefitSolutions 10 is the right product for you.

Premium Notes

Issue ages (may vary by state)
Available issue ages 40-79 (qualified and non-qualified)

Minimum premium
Single premium, $20,000 qualified and non-qualified

Note: if eligible you may roll over TSP to us to be administered as a qualified tax status that we offer.

Withdrawal Provisions

Free Withdrawals 
Like most annuities, you’ll be limited in when and how much you can withdraw from your annuity penalty-free. After the first contract anniversary, a penalty-free withdrawal (also known as a penalty-free partial surrender), of up to 5% (10% beginning in the third contract year if no withdrawals taken in the prior year) of the accumulation value may be taken each year. After the surrender charge period, surrender charges and market value adjustments no longer apply to any withdrawals. 
Withdrawals may be treated by the government as ordinary income. If taken before age 59 1/2, you may also have to pay a 10% IRS penalty. Withdrawals will reduce your accumulation value accordingly. 
By current company practice, we’ll waive surrender charges and market value adjustments on any portion of an IRS-required minimum distribution that goes beyond what’s available to you penalty-free. 

Allocation Accounts

Name Type Rates
1-Year Fixed Account
2.3% Fixed
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Monthly Sum Cap
Point to Point
Monthly sum
1.85% Cap
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
25% Participation
1-Year S&P MARC 5% ER PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
90% Participation
1-Year Fidelity Multifactor Yield 5% ER PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
100% Participation
1-Year Morgan Stanley Dynamic Global PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
100% Participation
2-Year Morgan Stanley Dynamic Global PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
145% Participation
2-Year Fidelity Multifactor Yield 5% ER PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
145% Participation
2-Year S&P MARC 5% ER PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
135% Participation
2-Year S&P 500 PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
35% Participation
1-Year S&P 500 PTP Cap
Point to Point
5% Cap
1-Year Goldman Sachs Equity TimeX PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
50% Participation
2-Year Goldman Sachs Equity TimeX PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
75% Participation
2-Year Barclays Transitions 12 VC PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
70% Participation
2-Year Barclays Transitions 6 VC PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
140% Participation
1-Year Barclays Transitions 12 VC PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
45% Participation
1-Year Barclays Transitions 6 VC PTP Participation Rate
Point to Point
90% Participation

Surrender schedule

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Penalty 10% 10% 9% 9% 8% 8% 7% 6% 4% 2%


Name Inbuilt Fee
Guaranteed Benefits 10 Rider Yes 1.20% annually
Guaranteed Benefits 10 Rider (AK, CT, HI, IL, MN, MO, NJ, OR, PA, UT, VA, WA) Yes 1.20% annually


Nursing Home

Unavailable in states: CA, and MA

Up to 100% of the annuity’s accumulation value can be withdrawn without a surrender charge or market value adjustment, if the annuitant is confined to a qualified care facility (skilled nursing facility or residential care facility for the elderly in CA), for at least 90 consecutive days as defined in the rider, any time after the first contract year. The annuitant cannot be confined at the time the contract is issued. If 100% of the accumulation value is taken, it will be considered a full surrender and your contract will terminate. This rider is automatically included with the annuity at no additional charge.


Unavailable in states: CA

LPA multiplier can double LPA for up to five years if unable to perform two of six activities of daily living (ADLs)

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