Nationwide Life Insurance Company
One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, OH 43215
- A.M. Best A+
- S&P A+
- Moody's A1
- Comdex 90
Best Nationwide Life Guaranteed Annuity Rates
7 Indexed Annuity Products
3 Fixed Annuity Products
A subsidiary of Nationwide Mutual, Nationwide Life Insurance Company was founded in 1929. They have become experts in offering financial solutions by providing a diverse range of products, including life insurance, annuities, retirement plans, and mutual funds. This variety of offerings has enabled them to give customers flexibility in choice optimization to better secure their financial futures. For almost a century, the company has shown a dedication to innovative strategies and customer service, continuously developing new products and features to meet the ever-evolving needs of its clients. Interestingly enough, Nationwide Life has actually transitioned from being a small mutual auto insurance company in Ohio upon its inception into one of the most prevalent insurance and financial service providers in the US.